Welcome to Y1D!

Welcome to Year 1 🌟

Here are a few points to remember about our class...

Summer Term 2 2024

“Royal Patrons” is a mini thematic unit with a history focus, comparing the lives of Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II.

Elizabeth was a direct descendant of Queen Victoria, her great-great-grandmother, and both are recognised sources of inspiration whose legacies will live on.

During this topic, the children will have the opportunity to look at their own history and focus on time vocabulary - "in the past", "before", "after that", "recently", etc.


• To know about changes in their own lives, their families lives and others around them

• To know some differences between how people used to live at different times

• To know who Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II were


Hi1 Use different sources of information to find out about the past

Hi2 Find out about the lives of significant people and events from the past and present

Hi3 Using episodes from stories about the past, identify the difference between past and present

Hi4 Place events in chronological order

Hi5 Use common words and phrases related to the passing of time

Hi6 Make a personal link to the past by exploring artefacts and images

Summer Term 1 2024:

Our next topic is titled 'Happily Ever After'. This is a thematic unit, based around fairy tales, with a key focus on literacy and drama. It is designed to enable pupils to develop a love of stories, as well as providing a vehicle for communication through creative arts work. Our focus text is 'Little Red Riding Hood' and we will be sharing different versions of this traditional story.

We will be using the wonderful setting of Badby Woods to complete some activities during this topic and further details will be shared nearer the time. For more information, please take a look at the curriculum newsletter below.

Spring Term 2 2024

Our new topic for this term is called 'Dancing Spy' and it mainly focuses on History and Dance objectives. This topic explores the life of Josephine Baker. A significant individual who is famous for her performances on Broadway in New York, USA and across theatres in Europe, and was a key leader in the fight against segregation and racism.

Below are some of the key historical objectives covered during this topic......

Spring Term 1 2024

“Come Fly With Me! Arctic Circle” is our next thematic unit based on the Arctic region and surroundings, with a key focus on geography, history and science objectives. Pupils will learn about the location, weather and climate in the Arctic, as well as the wildlife that lives there. Inuit people, their traditions and customs, will also be studied.

As part of our continuous provision in Year 1, the children will help create an igloo in our role play area to further develop and consolidate their knowledge, understanding and vocabulary throughout the topic.

Spring Term 1 2023: Other subject Areas......

Maths: Place Value within 20, Addition and Subtraction to 20

English: Poetry, Non-Fiction (Persuasive writing) - Ice Planet Adventure Park

Music: Under the sea (Kapow unit)

Computing: Digital Imagery (Kapow unit)

PE: Gymnastics

RE: Friendships

Autumn Term 2 2023

Our topic for this term is titled "Never Eat Shredded Wheat" and it is a Geography based unit. During this topic we will be learning about compass points, develop map skills and discuss where our food comes from around the world. Within this, we will go into more detail and study continents, oceans, countries and capital cities. To support and enhance this learning further, as part of continuous provision in Year 1, we plan to create a boat role play area to encourage the children to explore places around the world. We cannot wait for the children's design ideas and creative input!

Autumn Term 2 2023: Other Subject Areas

Autumn Term 1 2023

“Unity in the Community” is our next core thematic unit about the area you live in, with a geography focus. Pupils will develop their geographical skills, local knowledge and understanding through learning about their school, the features of its grounds, the surrounding area and how it has changed over time. They will be taught all about the importance of acting responsibly within both the school and the wider community. 

These are the main Geographical composites...

Autumn Term 1 2023


In English, our unit is "Our Trip to the Woods" which focuses on recount writing non-fiction objectives and involves a visit to Badby Woods during this term.

In Maths, we will begin the year looking at the Place Value of numbers and different addition and subtraction methods using resources for support.

Summer Term 2 2023

“Royal Patrons” is a mini thematic unit with a history focus, comparing the lives of Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II.

Elizabeth was a direct descendant of Queen Victoria, her great-great-grandmother, and both are recognised sources of inspiration whose legacies will live on.

During this topic, the children will have the opportunity to look at their own history and focus on time vocabulary - "in the past", "before", "after that", "recently", etc.


• To know about changes in their own lives, their families lives and others around them

• To know some differences between how people used to live at different times

• To know who Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II were


Hi1 Use different sources of information to find out about the past

Hi2 Find out about the lives of significant people and events from the past and present

Hi3 Using episodes from stories about the past, identify the difference between past and present

Hi4 Place events in chronological order

Hi5 Use common words and phrases related to the passing of time

Hi6 Make a personal link to the past by exploring artefacts and images

Summer Term 2 2023

“Unity in the Community” is our next core thematic unit about the area you live in, with a geography focus. Pupils will develop their geographical skills, local knowledge and understanding through learning about their school, the features of its grounds, the surrounding area and how it has changed over time. They will be taught all about the importance of acting responsibly within both the school and the wider community. 

These are the main Geographical composites...


In English, our next unit is "Our Trip to the Woods" which focuses on recount writing non-fiction objectives.

In Maths, we will continue to look at Shape and Time activities, as well as, Place Value of numbers up to 100 and Money.

Summer Term 1 2023

Our first topic title of the summer term is 'Light Up The World' and combines a range of curriculum areas, with a main Science focus, while learning about the sun, light and heat. The children will discuss solar power, other energy sources and how to save electricity. Also we will learn about sun safety and the importance of protecting both the skin and eyes. There will be activities about shadows and understanding how they are formed when solid objects block light. Nocturnal animals will also be discussed during this topic.

Here are key Science objectives covered during this topic.....


In English, we will be looking at the story 'Wombat goes Walkabout' by Michael Morpurgo and use this story to help create our own Adventure stories. We will continue to explore and use exciting vocabulary and creative writing techniques such as, onomatopoeia, similes and alliteration in our sentences.

In Maths, we begin the Summer term with a Multiplication and Division unit, revising counting in 2',5's and 10's. Also we will begin to understand how to use arrays to support multiplication. We will complete activities about Fractions and Time during the Summer Term too.

 Thank you Sponne School!

Well Done Year 1! We were all very impressed with your Charleston dance sequences created in a Dance workshop led by Sports Leaders from Sponne School. A huge thank you to adults and students from Sponne school for their time and creative, inspiring dance routines. 29.3.23

Spring Term 2 2023

Our new topic for this term is called 'Dancing Spy' and it mainly focuses on History and Dance objectives. This topic explores the life of Josephine Baker. A significant individual who is famous for her performances on Broadway in New York, USA and across theatres in Europe, and was a key leader in the fight against segregation and racism.

Below are some of the key historical objectives covered during this topic......


Spring Term 1 2023

Thank you very much!

Spring Term 1 2023

“Come Fly With Me! Arctic Circle” is our next thematic unit based on the Arctic region and surroundings, with a key focus on geography, history and science objectives. Pupils will learn about the location, weather and climate in the Arctic, as well as the wildlife that lives there. Inuit people, their traditions and customs, will also be studied.

As part of our continuous provision in Year 1, the children will help create an igloo in our role play area to further develop and consolidate their knowledge, understanding and vocabulary throughout the topic.

Spring Term 1 2023: Other subject Areas......

Maths: Place Value within 20, Addition and Subtraction to 20

English: Poetry, Non-Fiction (Persuasive writing) - Ice Planet Adventure Park

Music: Under the sea (Kapow unit)

Computing: Digital Imagery (Kapow unit)

PE: Gymnastics

RE: Friendships

Autumn Term 2 2022

Thank you very much!

Autumn Term 2 2022

Our topic for this term is titled "Never Eat Shredded Wheat" and it is a Geography based unit. During this topic we will be learning about compass points, develop map skills and discuss where our food comes from around the world. Within this, we will go into more detail and study continents, oceans, countries and capital cities. To support and enhance this learning further, as part of continuous provision in Year 1, we plan to create a boat role play area to encourage the children to explore places around the world. We cannot wait for the children's design ideas and creative input!

Autumn Term 2 2022: Other Subject Areas

Autumn Term 1 2022: Topic

Our first topic is titled 'Happily Ever After'. This is a thematic unit, based around fairy tales, with a key focus on literacy and drama. It is designed to enable pupils to develop a love of stories, as well as providing a vehicle for communication through creative arts work. Our focus text is 'Little Red Riding Hood' and we will be sharing different versions of this traditional story.

We will be using the wonderful setting of Badby Woods to complete some activities during this topic and further details will be shared nearer the time. For more information about this topic, please take a look at the curriculum newsletter below.


Autumn Term 1 2022: Other subject areas

*In Maths, we will begin the year with looking at numbers to 20 and understanding the value of these numbers, as well as, addition and subtraction strategies.

*Phonics sessions will be completed with Little Wandle activities.

*The children will continue to have access to learning through play to support the transition from the Early Years setting to Year 1. These include a role play area, fine motor skills activities and construction resources.

Summer Term 2 2022

Our new topic title is 'Royal Patrons' which combine the subject areas, History and Art. The children will compare the lives of Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II

Elizabeth is a direct descendant of Queen Victoria, her great-great-grandmother, and both are recognised sources of inspiration whose legacies will live on.

Here are key History objectives covered during this topic.....

To know about changes in their own lives, their families lives and others around them

To know some dierences between how people used to live at dierent times

To know who Queen Victoria was and who Queen Elizabeth II is


Outdoor Learning!


In Science, Year 1 have planted their own sunflowers. Every week we will measure them to see how much they have grown. 


Year 1 have been completing a variety of activities in Phonics this term. The picture above shows a treasure hunt of alien words. 


In Maths, Year 1 have been looking at measurement. They have been using scales to see which item is heaviest or lightest. 

Summer Term 1 2022

Our first topic title this term is 'Light Up The World' and combines a range of curriculum areas, with a main Science focus, while learning about the sun, light and heat. The children will discuss solar power, other energy sources and how to save electricity. Also we will learn about sun safety and the importance of protecting both the skin and eyes. There will be activities about shadows and understanding how they are formed when solid objects block light. Nocturnal animals will also be discussed during this topic.

Here are key Science objectives covered during this topic.....

Below is the curriculum newsletter and more information about our topic 'Light Up The World' in the knowledge organiser.

Knowledge Organiser

Curriculum Newsletter 

Year 1 PE days are Wednesday and Thursdays. Please can the children arrive to school in PE kit on these days. Thank you :) 19.4.22


In English, we will be looking at the story 'Wombat goes Walkabout' by Michael Morpurgo and use this story to help create our own Adventure stories. We will continue to explore and use exciting vocabulary and creative writing techniques such as, onomatopoeia, similes and alliteration in our sentences.

In Maths, we begin the Summer term with a Multiplication and Division unit, revising counting in 2',5's and 10's. Also we will begin to understand how to use arrays to support multiplication. We will complete activities about Fractions and Time during the Summer Term too.

Spring Term 2 2022

Our new topic for this term is called 'Dancing Spy' and it mainly focuses on History and Dance objectives. This topic explores the life of Josephine Baker. A significant individual who is famous for her performances on Broadway in New York, USA and across theatres in Europe, and was a key leader in the fight against segregation and racism.

Below are some of the key historical objectives covered during this topic......

Year 1 PE days are Wednesday and Thursdays. Please can the children arrive to school in PE kit on these days. Thank you :)


The children used impressive understanding of compass directions and map reading skills to find treasure in Badby Woods. March 2022

Autumn Term 2021

Our topic in year 1 this term is:  Why can’t a Meerkat live in the North Pole?

Home Learning

If you are home learning during this term, activities and tasks will be uploaded onto GoRead, Dojo and EdShed. Thank you very much for your support!

Spring Term 2022

Our Topic over the next few weeks is: What will you find if you visit Badby?

Home Learning

If you are home learning during this term, activities and tasks will continue to be uploaded onto GoRead, Dojo and EdShed. Thank you very much for your support!

Week Beginning 4th January 2021

Happy New Year!

Monday 4th January - Training Day

Please see Google Classroom for this week's activities

Week Beginning 7th December 2020

ASSESSMENT WEEK and Christmas crafts

Week Beginning 30th November 2020


Phase 4 reading and spelling games with a focus on reading simple sentences and questions.



Addition and subtraction questions and puzzles. We will be looking closely at fact families (4+3 = 7, 3+4 = 7, 7-3=4, 7-4=3)


As part of our end of term assessments, we will be working towards writing a character description of the alien from the story "Way Back Home".


We will be continuing with our weather diaries as well as begin practising our Christmas dances.

Week Beginning 23rd November 2020


We will be continuing to blend CVCC and CCVC words to create alien names. We will also practise Phase 3 and 4 Tricky words for reading and writing. (Please see Google Classroom for word mats and activity you may like to complete at home).



This week's focus is looking at different ways to represent number bonds to 10 ( resources such as numicon, string beads, tens frames, part-whole models, bar models, number sentences). I have placed a number bonds to 10 learning mat on Google Classroom for you to share at home.



We will be continuing our weather diaries during our English sessions as well as using our understanding of adjectives to write descriptive sentences about Seasons.

Week Beginning 16th November 2020


Finding ways to remember Phase 4 tricky words - said, have, like, so, do, some, come, one

To develop fluency when reading CVCC and CCVC words (including vowel digraphs) such as: float, sweep, brown.



This week, we will be focusing on number bonds within 10 as well as revising addition fact families (8=5+3, 8=3+5, 

5+3=8, 3+5=8)



The focus this week is using adjectives to create descriptive sentences about the alien and the moon from the story "The way back home" by Oliver Jeffers.

BBC Bitesize have sessions which can help you practise creating descriptive sentences... https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zk9pnrd


We will be looking at starting a weather diary for our local area and discuss the different seasons throughout the year.


Week Beginning 9th November 2020


Revising  Phase 3 Tricky words using games and activities from PhonicsPlay to help https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/3

Practise reading and writing CCVC words (such as slam, flat, trap) and Phase 4 Tricky words (said, have, like, so). http://www.letters-and-sounds.com/phase-4-games.html 


We will look at the addition and equals symbols as well as addition number facts/sentences within 10. Example: 3+4=7, 4+3=7, 7=3+4, 7=4+3.

White Rose Maths: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/week-6-number-addition-subtraction/

We will also continue to revise part-whole models.


This week we will begin our new story "Way Back Home" from Oliver Jeffers. We will focus on adjectives and using describing words to describe the boy's new alien friend.


This week, the whole school will be looking closely at art work by Yinka Shonibare. In Year 1, we will be creating our own block printing patterns and designs for a book cover. 


Week Beginning 2nd November 2020


Continue to read and write numbers especially words zero - twenty.

Revising  Phase 3 Tricky words using games and activities from PhonicsPlay to help https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/resources/phase/3

Practise reading and writing CVCC words (such as tent, lump, bend). http://www.letters-and-sounds.com/phase-4-games.html


We will continue to look at Part-Whole models this week to help us develop strategies for addition and subtraction.

White Rose Maths: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/week-5/

We will also be revising  counting 1 more and 1 less: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/articles/zht28hv 


The main focus this week is to complete our Meerkat Factfiles by deciding on relevant information to include and how to organise this into a Factfile using Subheadings, Labelled pictures, etc. We will discuss how we can include questions in our factfiles. This is a little introduction about questions.... https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zrqqtfr/articles/z2xdng8 

Topic (Geography):

The focus will be on local weather patterns/observations and making comparisons with other climate zones (Polar and Tropical Zones).

Week Beginning 19th October 2020


Reading and Writing numbers (digits and words)

Revising ear, air, ure and using these to read and build words and sentences.

Tricky word practise - all Phase 3 (you, all, they, her, he, she, we, me, be, was, my)


This week we begin the addition and subtraction unit and focus on Part-Whole Models

White Rose Maths - https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/week-5/


Success Criteria....

I can build sentences using who, what doing (verb), where and when. We will explore how the order of these can change and the sentence may still make sense.

I can find definitions for unknown words (from a factfile) in a dictionary.


We will be comparing maps, satellite pictures of Earth and a globe and discuss similarities and differences. 

Key vocabulary: Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, Poles, Equator, Climate

Week Beginning 12th October 2020


Reading and Writing numbers to 15 (fifteen)

Revising digraphs ow, oi and using these to build words and sentences.

Tricky words practise  - you, they, her, all


This week we will focus on ordering numbers and looking more closely at number lines

White Rose Maths - https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/week-4/


Success Criteria...

I know the difference between fact and opinion.

I can find features in a factfile.


This week we will be focusing on Internet Safety


Say which part of the body is associated with each sense.

Perform simple tests.

Name the five senses and perform simple tests to find out more about them.

Week Beginning 5th October 2020


We will continue to focus on comparing numbers and complete a few assessment tasks and activities.

White Rose Maths- https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/week-3/ 


Based on reading "The Zoo Vet" last week, we will be writing a few sentences to describe what happens next in the story.


Reading and Writing numbers to 10 (words)

Revising digraphs - ar, or, ur  and using these to build, read and write words.

Tricky word practise (reading and writing)  the, was, no, go, I, 


To identify and name the physical features of a hot place (label the Kalahari desert). Why is the Kalahari desert hot? What is the Equator? Compare the Kalahari desert with the North Pole. Can you name and label the physical features? What are the similarities and differences?


Autumn Term 2 2022: Other Subject Areas